Most lifestyle traits are pegged at 10, while Indian religious branches and homosexuality are free. Event effects, including events to lose the trait or gain its opposite, do not affect the cost. Congenital traits, most of which have a 15% chance to be passed to children, do not have a multiplier. 0.25x for a specific religion group (definitely take Sayyid if Muslim!)Ĭombat modifiers, for when you personally lead an army:.0.5x for dynasty opinion (note that you don't have much of a dynasty).0.5x for opposite trait opinion ( your opinion of other characters, which is silly).0.5x for sex appeal opinion (very useful for young women.).Trait with opinion modifiers have oddly unbalanced point values: 5 points for 10% increased demesne income (greedy trait).The age cost per point of each attribute is defined in a, and these are totaled for a given trait.Īttributes from traits have the same cost as base attributes: